Immigration & Visa Information

While visitors have long needed to apply for a visa before leaving for Ghana, You can now get a visa on arrival if you are flying into Accra. To get a visa, either in advance from a Ghana Embassy or at the Accra airport, you will need an onward air ticket.
Visas are valid for 60 (sixty) days.
Visa-exempt foreign nationals (max 90 days): Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius (60 days), Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Swaziland, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago (60 days), Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
From 1 July 2016 citizens of the African Union (except Morocco) member states that are not visa exempt can obtain a 30 days maximum visa for Ghana upon arrival for fee $150. The arrangement would be piloted at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra for three months, and thereafter extended to all other entry points of the country. If special requirements are satisfied, the citizens of countries without diplomatic or consular mission of Ghana travelling on short notice may obtain a visa on arrival. Visa is granted on arrival for holders of a copy of a pre-arranged approval from immigration.
Click on this link for more information on essential handy travel tips to Ghana
Yellow Fever Certificate
The only immunization you are required by Ghana to have is for Yellow Fever.  Travelers above nine (9) months old coming (into or leaving Ghana) from countries with risk of Yellow fever transmission are required to have been vaccinated against Yellow Fever at least ten (10) days before and where already vaccinated the duration of vaccination status of not more than ten years before entering Ghana.
Documentation of Yellow Fever vaccination is required in Ghana. Make sure you are vaccinated before you go or you may be denied entry to the country.
All the others are optional, and at your discretion, so talk to your doctor or travel medicine clinician about it.   The necessity or otherwise of the optional immunizations may depend on how long you intend to stay, and whether or not you plan to stray from the cities off the beaten path.
Flights & Accommodation
Should you require assistance with your flight and hotel arrangements please click this link to get in touch with Africa's leading travel management company.
Uber officially arrived in Accra in September 2016 and has since been operating within Accra.
Taxis within towns and on some shorter routes between towns, shared taxis are the usual form of transport. They run on fixed routes, along which they stop to pick up and drop off passengers. Fares are generally very cheap (1-2cedis).
Private taxis don’t have meters and rates are negotiable. It’s best to ask a local in advance for the average cost between two points.
Taxis can be chartered for an agreed period of time, anything from one hour to a day, for a negotiable fee.

Buses are preferable to tro-tros (minibuses) for long journeys as they tend to be more comfortable and reliable.

There are bus services to all of Ghana’s main towns and cities. Intercity STC ( is Ghana’s main long-haul bus company. After near collapse, during which rival company VIP took much of its business, it’s back on its feet again, with new routes and a fleet of swish new buses. Other relevant bus companies for travellers include VIP (, which runs half-hourly buses between Accra and Kumasi, VVIP, which runs north of Accra to Kumasi and Tamale, and Metro Mass (, which runs local services in various parts of the country. It’s wise to book in advance as tickets get snapped up fast on the more popular routes.
Services are usually less frequent on Sunday.

There is always a charge for luggage. Theoretically, it should be per kilogram, but in practice, large rucksacks or suitcases just tend to be charged a flat fee. Baggage handlers will expect a tip for loading your bags.

Tro-Trois a catch-all category that embraces any form of public transport that’s not a bus or taxi. Generally, they’re minibusses.

Tro-tros cover all major and many minor routes. They don’t work to a set timetable but leave when full. Fares are set but may vary on the same route depending on the size and comfort (air-con) of the vehicle.

There is generally an additional luggage fee. The area where tro-tros and buses congregate is called, interchangeably, lorry park, motor park or station.